20 Lessons from 2020!

Each year brings in its own set of challenges, blessings, truths and warnings too. 15 days into the new “new” year, I couldn’t help but look back on what the previous year has taught me. Here are 20 accomplishments of the mind, heart and actions.

  1. Health is definitely wealth – Each one of us were on the run to boost our immunity and take good care of ourselves. Now that the year is over, we are definitely taking this lesson with us all our lives, aren’t we?
  2. Self Love is the greatest love of all! – Don’t be a sheer critic for your own self, instead start accepting the great things about you. The moment acceptance hits, you will start loving yourself and you will attract the good things for you, take in what’s good for you, let go of the bad and evil. The love you have for your own self will make you do this and not egoism.
  3. There is no growth without faith – There are days which will be stagnant, dull and completely inactive. Days when you really want to give in and I think one should, but only one thing we should hold on to, is Faith. Because later with all the stagnancy hours or the rush hours, you will know and own your story right just because of the faith!
  4. Enjoying the process – Whenever life throws lemons at us, they say make lemonade. In this process of making lemonade, we seldom over look the process of making it and only focus on how the lemonade will turn out. That’s certainly not what life is about. It has always been about the process, the actions, the activities and the exercises involved in getting to the grand finale of whatever you are planning for yourself. Because it is the process that helps you keep at your work, it is the process that gives you the boost to do better, it is the process that makes you feel confident. And well the result, its just an end product of your beautiful journey πŸ™‚
  5. Nothing in life is permanent – When I developed an acceptance for this one, I became more tolerant and forgiving and less judgmental. Less stress and more sticking to my basics and truths; because nothing is staying but this!
  6. No shortcut to success – Inadvertent events taught me that in order to get to success, you only have to follow a simple plan; its all connected. There is no fast lane to progress and wins, work crazily hard for what you want, concentrate on your energy, be very honest and truthful and of course loyal and committed. You will get to where you intend to be!
  7. Life is in the little things – 2020 was definitely about the tiny take-care text, or that one breath of fresh air or probably the morning sun shine or may be the moonlit sky? These little things? They weren’t really little. We all appreciated them dearly, and we always should πŸ™‚
  8. Patience! – Trial and errors are a part of life and this year has had them in abundance. But with all the patience, I got from nothing to a lot of things because good things take time and if you want the best for you, well you need lots of patience!
  9. Take a break! – As much as this year was stressing things for us physically, it even took a toll on our mental health. So every once in a while I took a break. Even if that called for me to go missing in action or just lie in bed all day and read and not “show up”, I considered it to be absolutely okay. Because I just wasn’t feeling it and it was just fine. In fact, each break that I took from the normal life, gave me a huge boost and I came back up better, stronger and more confident! So if you want, just take that break, just do it.
  10. Your family is your most priced possession – Tell them you love them, hug them, go out of your comfort zone for them. Do it all. Because they aren’t just important, they are everything!
  11. Appreciate! – Appreciate what you have right now, appreciate the people in your life; every ounce of appreciation without expecting anything in return. Appreciate all the good moments of your life because eventually everything is going to change and then you may have to appreciate what you had. Make your life a happy story by appreciating what you have!
  12. Learn something new every day – With so much access to technology, bundles of information is out there just at your finger tips. So be it a new language, a form of art or just cooking a certain delicacy or cuisine. Learn it. It’ll take a you a long way!
  13. Take risks, but calculated ones! – You know what they say, the biggest risk that you take in life is not risking anything. I wasn’t someone who believed in the risks of life but learnt it eventually I guess. This year I did not quite have anything to lose. Risked out my time in doing something which I always wanted to do and if you ask me today, I have a huge list of accomplishments aligned to my dreams!
  14. Don’t Compare! – Do not. Just don’t compare your life to others. Its how you cannot compare the sun and the moon. They shine when its their time to shine πŸ™‚
  15. What you focus on, manifests! – Have you noticed that suddenly something is all over the place if you have set your eyes on it. Well, its nothing but the universe playing its part. When you know your intentions right, you will definitely end up creating more of it.
  16. “Embrace the glorious mess that you are” ~ Elizabeth Gilbert – Accept your being, the real rusty you. Don’t rely on the sugar coats, to put yourself out. The people who matter will definitely accept you exactly the way you are and the ones who don’t accept you, don’t really matter!
  17. Hug it out – We have craved hugs more than anything since the start of this pandemic. Because it was that one thing we needed the most and couldn’t have it at all. So now, I am not taking hugs for granted, none of us should! Because whatever may be the question, a hug is always the answer. Try it out, really!
  18. Fear is dangerous, don’t be afraid of it. – Don’t let the fear of anything eat you up. I in my own surroundings have seen decisions taken in the fear of fear only to end up fearing the situation more. It isn’t for real but just a product of our thoughts. This tells us to control our thoughts but to also act right. Fear is nothing but an illusion. Understand the situation right, build the courage and just don’t let fear stop you.
  19. There is always hope! – There were really low lows but we also learnt that there is light at the end of the tunnel. We just have to keep at it and not lose hope ❀
  20. Follow your North Star – Its okay to feel lost, its okay if you aren’t there yet. I am 27 and I still don’t know what am I exactly doing with my life. But I have no regrets about it. This does not mean I have given up. I have a north star and its guiding me in a direction I aspire to go in. This means for instance, my north star is that whatever I do, I want people to benefit from it, I want to see a change in the world, where in people’s lives change for good. So I am aligning this with whatever I do.

    For instance, with this post, I wish for the readers to take a little piece of inspiration that may help them for the better reasons. πŸ™‚ ❀

One thought on “20 Lessons from 2020!

  1. At every point I felt this point is awesome, but then realised each word written is not just awesome but is so profound. Loved it.My fave then too is the lemonade point.
    You need to pen down more..


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